Dejan Lavbič’s publications and research snippets 64x

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2024 2x

Journal 1x

Jan Vasiljević and Dejan Lavbič. 2024. A Data-Driven Approach to Team Formation in Software Engineering Based on Personality Traits, Electronics, 13(1), pp. 178.
PDF full text Journal link Publication link SCIE (Q2) SCIE (Q3) SCIE (Q2) IF2022 = 2,9 COBISS Google Scholar

Conference 1x

Miha Jesenko, Karmen Kern Pipan, Dejan Lavbič and Slavko Žitnik. 2024. Outlook into the future of digital Public Administration: Semantic interoperability through the prism of a data map, Zbornik prispevkov Z umetno inteligenco gradimo svet prihodnosti 31. konference Dnevi slovenske informatike (DSI 2024), Portorož, Slovenia.
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2023 3x

Journal 2x

Sandi Gec, Vlado Stankovski, Dejan Lavbič and Petar Kochovski. 2023. A Recommender System for Robust Smart Contract Template Classification, Sensors, 23(2).
HTML full text PDF full text Journal link Publication link SCIE (Q2) SSCI (Q2) SSCI (Q2) IF2021 = 3,847 COBISS Google Scholar (4 citations)

Nikolay Vasilev and Dejan Lavbič. 2023. ‪Samoupravljana digitalna identiteta na verigi blokov Cardano‬, Uporabna informatika, 31(1).
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Conference 1x

Sandi Gec, Petar Kochovski, Vlado Stankovski and Dejan Lavbič. 2023. Project oriented teaching approach of decentralised applications for undergraduate students, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers (ICETC 2023), New York, NY, USA.
PDF full text Conference link Publication link COBISS Google Scholar (1 citation)

2022 4x

Journal 4x

Marko Poženel, Aljaž Zrnec and Dejan Lavbič. 2022. Measuring how motivation affects information quality assessment: A gamification approach, PLOS ONE, 17(10).
HTML full text PDF full text Journal link Publication link SCI (Q2) IF2021 = 3,752 COBISS

Sandi Gec, Petar Kochovski, Dejan Lavbič and Vlado Stankovski. 2022. Multi‐party smart contract for an AI services ecosystem: An application to smart construction, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
PDF full text Journal link Publication link SCI (Q3) SCI (Q3) IF2020 = 1,536 COBISS WoS Google Scholar (1 citation)

Slavko Žitnik, Karmen Kern Pipan, Miha Jesenko and Dejan Lavbič. 2022. Semantic reusable Web Components: A Use case in e-government interoperability, Uporabna informatika, 30(4).
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Aljaž Zrnec, Marko Poženel and Dejan Lavbič. 2022. Users’ ability to perceive misinformation: An information quality assessment approach, Information Processing & Management, 59(1).
HTML full text PDF full text Journal link Publication link arXiv link SCIE (Q1) SSCI (Q1) IF2020 = 6,222 COBISS WoS Google Scholar (35 citations)

2021 1x

Journal 1x

Martin Schweinsberg, Michael Feldman, Nicola Staub, Olmo R. van den Akker, Robbie C. M. van Aert, Marcel A. L. M. van Assen, Yang Liu, Tim Althoff, Jeffrey Heer, Alex Kale, Zainab Mohamed, Hashem Amireh, Vaishali Venkatesh Prasad, Abraham Bernstein, Emily Robinson, Kaisa Snellman, S. Amy Sommer, Sarah M. G. Otner, David Robinson, Nikhil Madan, Raphael Silberzahn, Pavel Goldstein, Warren Tierney, Toshio Murase, Benjamin Mandl, Domenico Viganola, Carolin Strobl, Catherine B. C. Schaumans, Stijn Kelchtermans, Chan Naseeb, S. Mason Garrison, Tal Yarkoni, C. S. Richard Chan, Prestone Adie, Paulius Alaburda, Casper Albers, Sara Alspaugh, Jeff Alstott, Andrew A. Nelson, Eduardo Ariño de la Rubia, Adbi Arzi, Štěpán Bahník, Jason Baik, Laura Winther Balling, Sachin Banker, David AA Baranger, Dale J. Barr, Brenda Barros-Rivera, Matt Bauer, Enuh Blaise, Lisa Boelen, Katerina Bohle Carbonell, Robert A. Briers, Oliver Burkhard, Miguel-Angel Canela, Laura Castrillo, Timothy Catlett, Olivia Chen, Michael Clark, Brent Cohn, Alex Coppock, Natàlia Cugueró-Escofet, Paul G. Curran, Wilson Cyrus-Lai, David Dai, Giulio Valentino Dalla Riva, Henrik Danielsson, Rosaria de F. S. M. Russo, Niko de Silva, Curdin Derungs, Frank Dondelinger, Carolina Duarte de Souza, B. Tyson Dube, Marina Dubova, Ben Mark Dunn, Peter Adriaan Edelsbrunner, Sara Finley, Nick Fox, Timo Gnambs, Yuanyuan Gong, Erin Grand, Brandon Greenawalt, Dan Han, Paul H. P. Hanel, Antony B. Hong, David Hood, Justin Hsueh, Lilian Huang, Kent N. Hui, Keith A. Hultman, Azka Javaid, Lily Ji Jiang, Jonathan Jong, Jash Kamdar, David Kane, Gregor Kappler, Erikson Kaszubowski, Christopher M. Kavanagh, Madian Khabsa, Bennett Kleinberg, Jens Kouros, Heather Krause, Angelos-Miltiadis Krypotos, Dejan Lavbič, Rui Ling Lee, Timothy Leffel, Wei Yang Lim, Silvia Liverani, Bianca Loh, Dorte Lønsmann, Jia Wei Low, Alton Lu, Kyle MacDonald, Christopher R. Madan, Lasse Hjorth Madsen, Christina Maimone, Alexandra Mangold, Adrienne Marshall, Helena Ester Matskewich, Kimia Mavon, Katherine L. McLain, Amelia A. McNamara, Mhairi McNeill, Ulf Mertens, David Miller, Ben Moore, Andrew Moore, Eric Nantz, Ziauddin Nasrullah, Valentina Nejkovic, Colleen S. Nell, Andrew Arthur Nelson, Gustav Nilsonne, Rory Nolan, Christopher E. O'Brien, Patrick O'Neill, Kieran O'Shea, Toto Olita, Jahna Otterbacher, Diana Palsetia, Bianca Pereira, Ivan Pozdniakov, John Protzko, Jean-Nicolas Reyt, Travis Riddle, Amal (Akmal) Ridhwan Omar Ali, Ivan Ropovik, Joshua M. Rosenberg, Stephane Rothen, Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Nirek Sharma, Gordon Shotwell, Martin Skarzynski, William Stedden, Victoria Stodden, Martin A. Stoffel, Scott Stoltzman, Subashini Subbaiah, Rachael Tatman, Paul H. Thibodeau, Sabina Tomkins, Ana Valdivia, Gerrieke B. Druijff-van de Woestijne, Laura Viana, Florence Villesèche, W. Duncan Wadsworth, Florian Wanders, Krista Watts, Jason D. Wells, Christopher E. Whelpley, Andy Won, Lawrence Wu, Arthur Yip, Casey Youngflesh, Ju-Chi Yu, Arash Zandian, Leilei Zhang, Chava Zibman and Eric Luis Uhlmann. 2021. Same data, different conclusions: Radical dispersion in empirical results when independent analysts operationalize and test the same hypothesis, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 165, pp. 228--249.
PDF full text Journal link Publication link SSCI (Q2) SSCI (Q2) SSCI (Q3) IF2019 = 2,304 COBISS WoS Google Scholar (96 citations)

2019 2x

Journal 1x

Sandi Gec, Dejan Lavbič and Vlado Stankovski. 2019. Do lahkih pametnih pogodb s pametnimi preroki, Uporabna informatika, 27(4), pp. 161–166.
PDF full text Journal link Publication link INSPEC Google Scholar

Book chapter 1x

Marko Poženel and Dejan Lavbič. 2019. Discovering Language of Stocks, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications - Databases and Information Systems X315, pp. 243–258, IOS Press.
HTML full text PDF full text Book link Publication link arXiv link COBISS Google Scholar (3 citations)

2018 3x

Journal 1x

Jan Robas and Dejan Lavbič. 2018. Poizvedovanje po povezanih podatkih s porazdelitvijo dela med strežnikom in odjemalcem, Uporabna informatika, 26(2), pp. 54–64.
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Conference 2x

Sandi Gec, Dejan Lavbič, Marko Bajec and Vlado Stankovski. 2018. Smart contracts for container based video conferencing services: Architecture and implementation, Proceedings of 15th International Conference on the Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services (GECON 2018), Pisa, Italy.
HTML full text PDF full text Conference link arXiv link COBISS Google Scholar (6 citations)

Marko Poženel and Dejan Lavbič. 2018. What language do stocks speak?, Databases and Information Systems, DB&IS 2018, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Trakai, Vilnius.
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2017 5x

Journal 4x

Miloš Fidler and Dejan Lavbič. 2017. Improving information quality of Wikipedia articles with cooperative principle, Online Information Review, 41(6), pp. 797–811.
HTML full text PDF full text Journal link Publication link arXiv link SCIE (Q3) SSCI (Q2) IF2017 = 1,675 COBISS WoS Google Scholar (14 citations)

Dejan Lavbič, Tadej Matek and Aljaž Zrnec. 2017. Learning SQL with Artificial Intelligent Aided Approach, International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 7(11), pp. 803–808.
PDF full text Journal link Publication link INSPEC COBISS Google Scholar

Dejan Lavbič, Tadej Matek and Aljaž Zrnec. 2017. Recommender system for learning SQL using hints, Interactive Learning Environments, 25(8), pp. 1048–1064.
HTML full text PDF full text Journal link Publication link arXiv link SSCI (Q2) IF2017 = 1,604 COBISS WoS Google Scholar (21 citations)

Aljaž Zrnec and Dejan Lavbič. 2017. Social network aided plagiarism detection: Social network aided plagiarism detection, British Journal of Educational Technology, 48(1), pp. 113–128.
HTML full text PDF full text Journal link Publication link arXiv link SSCI (Q1) IF2017 = 2,729 COBISS WoS Google Scholar (17 citations)

Conference 1x

Slavko Žitnik, Marko Bajec and Dejan Lavbič. 2017. LogMap+ : Relational data enrichment and linked data resources matching, 11th International conference on research challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2017), Brighton, UK.
PDF full text Conference link COBISS Google Scholar (2 citations)

2016 2x

Journal 2x

Tadej Matek and Dejan Lavbič. 2016. Adaptivni pristop k učenju jezika SQL, Uporabna informatika, 24(2), pp. 81–93.
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Olegas Vasilecas, Diana Kalibatiene and Dejan Lavbič. 2016. Rule- and context-based dynamic business process modelling and simulation, Journal of Systems and Software, 122, pp. 1–15.
HTML full text PDF full text Journal link Publication link arXiv link SCIE (Q1) SCIE (Q1) IF2017 = 2,444 COBISS WoS Google Scholar (51 citations)

2015 3x

Conference 3x

Miloš Fidler and Dejan Lavbič. 2015. Research About Measurability of Information Quality, 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organisations (KMO 2015), Slovenia, Maribor.
PDF full text Conference link Publication link COBISS Google Scholar (1 citation)

Ana Bastinos Šaša and Dejan Lavbič. 2015. SPARQL-based framework for semantically-based event processing, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC 2015), Maribor, Slovenia.
PDF full text Conference link COBISS Google Scholar (1 citation)

Aljaž Zrnec and Dejan Lavbič. 2015. The Role of Social Connections in Plagiarism Detection, Learning technology for education in cloud (LTEC 2015), Maribor, Slovenia.
PDF full text Conference link COBISS WoS Google Scholar (1 citation)

2014 1x

Conference 1x

Andraž Hribernik, Lorand Dali, Dušan Omerčević and Dejan Lavbič. 2014. Applying multi-armed bandit on top of content similarity recommendation engine, Data science for news publishing at KDD 2014 (NewsKDD 2014), New York, USA.
PDF full text Conference link COBISS Google Scholar (1 citation)

2013 4x

Journal 1x

Slavko Žitnik, Lovro Šubelj, Dejan Lavbič, Olegas Vasilecas and Marko Bajec. 2013. General Context-Aware Data Matching and Merging Framework, Informatica, 24(1), pp. 119–152.
HTML full text PDF full text Journal link Publication link arXiv link SCIE (Q3) SCIE (Q2) IF2013 = 0,901 COBISS WoS Google Scholar (4 citations)

Conference 3x

Miloš Pavković, Dražen Drašković, Lovro Šubelj, Slavko Žitnik, Dejan Lavbič, Marko Janković, Jelica Protić and Boško Nikolić. 2013. Intelligent techniques for searching Internet forums, Proceedings of the 22nd International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference (ERK 2013), Portorož, Slovenia.
PDF full text COBISS Google Scholar (1 citation)

Aljaž Zrnec, Dejan Lavbič, Neli Blagus, Marko Janković and Marko Bajec. 2013. Podatkovne baze vrste triplestore, Zbornik prispevkov 20. konference Dnevi slovenske informatike (DSI 2013), Portorož, Slovenia.
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Dejan Lavbič, Slavko Žitnik, Lovro Šubelj, Aleš Kumer, Aljaž Zrnec and Marko Bajec. 2013. Traversal and Relations Discovery among Business Entities and People using Semantic Web Technologies and Trust Management, Databases and Information Systems VII, 10th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DB&IS 2012), Vilnius, Lithuania.
PDF full text COBISS WoS Google Scholar (5 citations)

2012 5x

Journal 2x

Dejan Lavbič and Marko Bajec. 2012. Employing semantic web technologies in financial instruments trading, International journal of new computer architectures and their applications, 2(1), pp. 167–182.
PDF full text Journal link Publication link INSPEC COBISS Google Scholar (6 citations)

Dejan Lavbič. 2012. Rapid ontology development model based on rule management approach in business applications, Informatica, 36(1), pp. 115–116.
PDF full text Journal link Publication link INSPEC COBISS Google Scholar (2 citations)

Conference 3x

Slavko Žitnik, Lovro Šubelj, Dejan Lavbič, Aljaž Zrnec and Marko Bajec. 2012. Collective information extraction using first-order probabilistic models, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (5th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI 2012)), Novi Sad, Serbia.
PDF full text COBISS Google Scholar (7 citations)

Lovro Šubelj, Slavko Žitnik, Aljaž Zrnec, Aleš Kumer, Bojan Klemenc, Dejan Lavbič and Marko Bajec. 2012. Lastnosti velikih realnih omrežij in primeri uporabe, Zbornik prispevkov 19. konference Dnevi slovenske informatike (DSI 2012), Portorož, Slovenia.
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Aljaž Zrnec, Dejan Lavbič, Lovro Šubelj, Slavko Žitnik, Aleš Kumer and Marko Bajec. 2012. Podatkovne baze NoSQL, Zbornik prispevkov 19. konference Dnevi slovenske informatike (DSI 2012), Portorož, Slovenia.
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2011 6x

Journal 2x

Aljaž Zrnec and Dejan Lavbič. 2011. Comparison of cloud vs. tape backup performance and costs with oracle database, Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, 35(1), pp. 135–142.
PDF full text Journal link Publication link INSPEC COBISS Google Scholar (9 citations)

Lovro Šubelj, David Jelenc, Eva Zupančič, Dejan Lavbič, Denis Trček, Marjan Krisper and Marko Bajec. 2011. Merging data sources based on semantics, contexts and trust, IPSI BgD Transactions on Internet Research, 7(1), pp. 18–30.
PDF full text COBISS Google Scholar (5 citations)

Conference 4x

Dejan Lavbič, Marjan Krisper and Marko Bajec. 2011. Continuous Evaluation in the process of Ontology Development, Proceedings of the 6th International conference on internet and web applications and services (ICIW 2011), 1st International workshop on enterprise cloud computing - strategies and solutions (ECCSS 2011), St. Maarten, Netherlands.
PDF full text COBISS WoS Google Scholar (1 citation)

Marko Bajec, Dejan Lavbič, Tomaž Vidonja and Andrej Kos. 2011. OCCAPI - odprta inteligentna komunikacijska platforma, Informatika v luči reforme javne uprave - zbornik konference Informatika v javni upravi 2011 (IJU 2011), Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia.
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Dejan Lavbič and Marko Bajec. 2011. Rapid development of executable ontology for financial instruments and trading strategies, 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Computing Systems (ICSECS 2011), Software Engineering and Computer Systems, Part 1, Kuantan, Malaysia.
PDF full text Conference link Publication link INSPEC COBISS WoS Google Scholar (2 citations)

Marko Bajec, Stefan Furlan, Aleš Kumer, Lovro Šubelj, Slavko Žitnik and Dejan Lavbič. 2011. Supervizor+, Informatika v luči reforme javne uprave - zbornik konference Informatika v javni upravi 2011 (IJU 2011), Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia.
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2010 6x

Journal 3x

Dejan Lavbič, Iztok Lajovic and Marjan Krisper. 2010. Facilitating information system development with Panoramic view on data, Computer Science and Information Systems, 7(4), pp. 737–767.
HTML full text PDF full text Journal link Publication link arXiv link SCIE (Q4) SCIE (Q4) IF2010 = 0,324 COBISS WoS Google Scholar (12 citations)

Dejan Lavbič and Marjan Krisper. 2010. Facilitating Ontology Development with Continuous Evaluation, Informatica, 21(4), pp. 533–552.
HTML full text PDF full text Journal link Publication link arXiv link SCIE (Q2) SCIE (Q1) IF2010 = 1,786 COBISS WoS Google Scholar (14 citations)

Dejan Lavbič, Olegas Vasilecas and Rok Rupnik. 2010. Ontology-based multi-agent system to support business users and management, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 16(2), pp. 327–347.
HTML full text PDF full text Journal link Publication link arXiv link SSCI (Q1) IF2010 = 5,605 COBISS WoS Google Scholar (27 citations)

Conference 3x

Lovro Šubelj, Neli Blagus, Stefan Furlan, Bojan Klemenc, Aleš Kumer, Dejan Lavbič, Aljaž Zrnec, Slavko Žitnik and Marko Bajec. 2010. Analiza kompleksnih omrežij - osnovni pojmi in primeri uporabe v praksi, Informatika kot gonilo razvoja javne uprave - zbornik konference Informatika v javni upravi (IJU 2010), Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia.
PDF full text COBISS Google Scholar (3 citations)

Dejan Lavbič and Aljaž Zrnec. 2010. Ontology based agent system, Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on Information Society and Information Technologies (ISIT 2010), Novo mesto, Slovenia.
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Slavko Žitnik, Bojan Klemenc, Dejan Lavbič, Lovro Šubelj, Stefan Furlan, Aleš Kumer, Aljaž Zrnec, Neli Blagus and Marko Bajec. 2010. Trendi v inteligentnem pridobivanju podatkov iz heterogenih virov, Informatika kot gonilo razvoja javne uprave - zbornik konference Informatika v javni upravi (IJU 2010), Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia.
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2009 2x

Journal 1x

Dejan Lavbič and Rok Rupnik. 2009. Multi-agent system for decision support in enterprises, Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, 33(2), pp. 269–284.
PDF full text Journal link Publication link INSPEC COBISS Google Scholar (19 citations)

Conference 1x

Dejan Lavbič. 2009. Možnosti uporabe ontologij pri arhitekturi e-uprave, Povežimo informacijske otoke - zbornik konference Informatika v javni upravi (IJU 2009), Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia.
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2008 2x

Journal 1x

Dejan Lavbič and Matjaž Gams. 2008. Agenti ali samo še en objektno usmerjen pristop?, Uporabna informatika, 16(3), pp. 162–170.
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Conference 1x

Dejan Lavbič and Marjan Krisper. 2008. Rapid ontology development model based on business rules management approach for the use in business applications, Proceedings of the 6th Doctoral Consortium on Enterprise Information Systems (DCEIS 2008) - In conjunction with 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2008), Barcelona, Spain.
PDF full text COBISS Google Scholar (3 citations)

2007 1x

Conference 1x

Dejan Lavbič, Rok Rupnik, Marko Bajec and Marjan Krisper. 2007. Agent oriented approach for integration of BI systems, Proceedings of 29th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI 2007), Dubrovnik, Croatia.
PDF full text COBISS Google Scholar (3 citations)

2006 5x

Journal 2x

Bogdan Kronovšek, Dejan Lavbič and Marjan Krisper. 2006. Mobilnost pri agentno usmerjenem razvoju programske opreme, Uporabna informatika, 14(4), pp. 182–195.
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Dejan Lavbič, Marko Bajec and Marjan Krisper. 2006. Pravila na semantičnem spletu, Elektrotehniški vestnik / Electrotechnical review, 73(5), pp. 249–254.
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Conference 3x

Dejan Lavbič and Viljan Mahnič. 2006. Intelligent agent aided use of unstructured information in decision support, Zbornik 9. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba (IS 2006), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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Dejan Lavbič and Ana Bastinos Šaša. 2006. Knowledge management in multi-agent systems, Knowledge Management in Organizations - proocedings of the 1st International conference for new trends in Knowledge Management (KMO 2006), Maribor, Slovenia.
PDF full text COBISS Google Scholar (1 citation)

Dejan Lavbič and Marjan Krisper. 2006. Semantične spletne storitve, V partnerstvu z informatiko do poslovne odličnosti - zbornik prispevkov 13. konference Dnevi slovenske informatike (DSI 2006), Portorož, Slovenia.
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2005 6x

Journal 1x

Dejan Lavbič and Marjan Krisper. 2005. Semantika podatkov in ontologije, Uporabna informatika, 13(3), pp. 121–135.
PDF full text Journal link INSPEC COBISS Google Scholar (5 citations)

Conference 5x

Dejan Lavbič, Rok Rupnik, Aljaž Zrnec, Damjan Vavpotič and Marjan Krisper. 2005. Agentno usmerjen razvoj informacijskih sistemov in večagentni sistemi, Informatika kot temelj povezovanja - zbornik prispevkov 12. konference Dnevi slovenske informatika (DSI 2005), Portorož, Slovenia.
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Dejan Lavbič. 2005. Avtonomna programska oprema in ponovna uporaba obstoječih informacij, Informatika kot temelj povezovanja - zbornik prispevkov 12. konference Dnevi slovenske informatika (DSI 2005), Portorož, Slovenia.
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Damjan Vavpotič, Marko Bajec, Marjan Krisper, Aljaž Zrnec and Dejan Lavbič. 2005. Merjenje in izboljševanje tehnične učinkovitosti in socialne sprejetosti metodologij razvoja IS, Informatika kot temelj povezovanja - zbornik prispevkov 12. konference Dnevi slovenske informatika (DSI 2005), Portorož, Slovenia.

Dejan Lavbič, Rok Rupnik and Marjan Krisper. 2005. Poslovna pravila v večagentnih sistemih, Zbornik 8. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba (IS 2005), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
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Aljaž Zrnec, Marko Bajec, Marjan Krisper, Damjan Vavpotič, Dejan Lavbič and Marjan Krisper. 2005. Prilagajanje procesa konkretnim potrebam projekta, Informatika kot temelj povezovanja - zbornik prispevkov 12. konference Dnevi slovenske informatika (DSI 2005), Portorož, Slovenia.

2004 1x

Conference 1x

Dejan Lavbič. 2004. Povezava rezultatov iskanja spletnega inteligentnega agenta s podatki pomembnimi za poslovne odločitve, Management in informatika - zbornik prispevkov 11. konference Dnevi slovenske informatike (DSI 2004), Portorož, Slovenia.
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